Charged Biochar

from $23.95

Biochar is a highly absorbent material, designed to retain nutrients and moisture effectively. To optimize its performance in your garden, it's crucial to ensure that your biochar is properly prepared and activated, ready to release these essential elements for your plants' benefit.

  • 🌱 Boost Soil Fertility: Give your soil a healthy dose of our premium biochar to boost nutrient retention and encourage vibrant plant growth.

  • 🔒 Locks in Nutrients: Think of our biochar as a helpful sponge, always ready to capture those extra nutrients and share them with your plants when they need a little boost.

  • 💧 Optimal Moisture Retention: Keeps your soil moisture just right, so your plants stay happy and hydrated without drowning.

  • 🐛 Beneficial Microbes Support: We've given it a head start with friendly microbes that help create a healthy soil environment by nurturing the growth of vital soil bacteria and fungi.

  • ♻️ Eco-Friendly & Sustainable: Made from 100% organic materials, our biochar promotes sustainable practices.

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Usage and Application of Charged Biochar

Charged biochar, a revitalized version of traditional biochar, is rapidly becoming the go-to solution for gardeners and farmers alike, seeking to rejuvenate their soils organically. Unlike its predecessor, charged biochar has undergone a 'charging' process, where it's pre-inoculated with beneficial nutrients and biology, making it immediately ready to enhance the soil's vitality. You can learn more about biochar in our Introduction to Biochar Article.

Additional information on charged biochar can be found here in our Comprehensive Guide to Using Charged Biochar for Optimal Results.

Incorporating into Different Soil Types:

Every soil type has its unique characteristics. When introducing charged biochar:

  • Sandy Soil: This soil type often struggles with nutrient retention. Gently mix charged biochar into the top 6-8 inches of the soil. The porous nature of biochar will act as miniature reservoirs, locking in nutrients and moisture, thus counteracting the leaching tendency of sandy terrains.

  • Loamy Soil: Widely considered ideal for gardening, loamy soil can be further enhanced by adding a thinner layer of charged biochar, mixing it into the top 4-6 inches. This will bolster its already balanced nature, promoting even better aeration and moisture retention.

  • Clay Soil: Dense and compact, clay soil can be quite challenging for roots. Introduce charged biochar by layering it and then thoroughly mixing into the top 8-10 inches. This will help in breaking up the compactness, introducing better aeration and drainage.

Safety First:

While charged biochar is an organic product, always exercise caution. It's advisable to use gloves during application to prevent any skin irritation. Also, avoid creating and inhaling dust when applying; a simple face mask can be an effective preventive measure.

Storage Insights:

Charged biochar's shelf life is impressively long, but to maintain its optimal nutrient quality, store it in a cool, dry place. Ensure the storage container or bag is sealed to prevent moisture intrusion, which could compromise its efficacy.

Application Rates for Charged Biochar

Understanding the right application rates for charged biochar is crucial to harness its full potential. Given its concentrated nature, the amount and frequency of application can directly influence the health and productivity of your soil and plants.

Since handling and shipping biochar can be time consuming and expensive, it’s best to make targeted application of biochar into the root zone of your crops or trees, rather than attempting to spread the biochar over the entire area.

Based on Soil Type and Crop/Plant Variety:

  • Sandy Soil: For soils that struggle with moisture and nutrient retention, apply 5-10% by volume. For instance, if you're preparing a new garden bed, integrate 5-10 cubic feet of charged biochar for every 100 cubic feet of sandy soil.  For a 4x8 garden bed 6” deep, this would require about 0.8 to 1.6 cubic feet of biochar.

  • Loamy Soil: As this soil type is already well-structured and fertile, a lighter touch is advised. Use 3-5% by volume to maintain its rich texture and further enhance nutrient absorption.  For a 4x8 garden bed 6” deep, this will require about 0.4 to 0.8 cubic feet of biochar.

  • Clay Soil: To alleviate its heavy compactness, an application rate of 7-12% by volume is recommended. This ensures better aeration and drainage while retaining the essential minerals that clay is known for.  A heavy clay garden bed 4x8 by 6” deep would require about 1-2 cubic feet of biochar.

Re-application Guidelines:

Unlike synthetic fertilizers that require frequent applications, charged biochar is a long-term soil amendment. For maintained benefits, consider a lighter re-application every 2-3 years. Monitor your soil's health and adjust based on observed changes in soil structure and plant vitality.

Adjustments for Specific Goals:

If you're looking to revive severely depleted soils or prepare new planting beds, an initial higher application rate might be necessary. Likewise, when aiming to boost a particular crop yield or rejuvenate an orchard, customizing the application rate based on specific plant requirements will yield optimal results. While not discussed here, biochar can also be applied to your lawn to boost growth and maintain it’s lushness through drought.

Tips and Best Practices for Charged Biochar Application

Charged biochar, while being a potent soil enhancer, can deliver even more impactful results when applied with specific techniques and complementary practices. Here are some invaluable insights to maximize the benefits of this organic marvel:

1. Pairing with Complementary Organic Materials:

Charged biochar, with its nutrient-rich profile, works wonders when combined with other organic materials. Mixing it with compost or worm castings, for instance, creates a symbiotic relationship. The compost nourishes the soil with a rich array of organic matter, while the biochar acts as a reservoir, retaining these nutrients and releasing them over time. This ensures a steady supply of vital nutrients to the plants.

2. Monitoring Soil pH:

While charged biochar typically stabilizes soil pH, making it conducive for most plants, it's wise to periodically test your soil's pH levels, especially after the first application. Depending on the original makeup of your soil, and the crops you're growing, slight adjustments using lime (to increase pH) or sulfur (to reduce pH) might be necessary to maintain an optimal pH range.

3. Recognizing Positive Soil Changes:

After introducing charged biochar, be observant. You'll soon notice improved soil structure – a crumbly, aerated texture that's ideal for root growth. Plants will showcase vibrant colors, stronger stems, and potentially increased yields. These signs indicate the successful integration of charged biochar into your gardening regimen.

4. Hydrating Before Application:

Although charged biochar comes pre-inoculated with nutrients, it's a good practice to moisten it before application. Pre-hydrating ensures immediate moisture retention once introduced into the soil, benefiting plants, especially in drier climates or seasons. More about how to activate biochar can be found in our article.

Other great ways to charge biochar are by incorporating it into your worm bin or adding it to your compost.

Frequently Asked Questions about Charged Biochar

The increasing popularity of charged biochar among gardeners and farmers has led to a surge of inquiries about its nature, benefits, and applications. Here, we address some of the most common questions:

1. Is charged biochar safe for all plants?

Absolutely. Charged biochar is an organic soil amendment that's safe for a wide range of plants. Its primary role is to improve soil structure and nutrient retention, which generally benefits all plant types. However, it's always advisable to check application rates specific to certain plants or crops for optimal results.

2. How does charged biochar differ from regular biochar?

While both originate from the same pyrolysis process of organic matter, charged biochar undergoes an additional step of 'charging.' This means it's pre-inoculated with beneficial nutrients and microbes, making it immediately beneficial for the soil without the initial lag time that regular biochar might require.

3. Can charged biochar benefit pest control in gardens?

Indirectly, yes. While charged biochar itself isn't a pesticide, its contribution to soil health can lead to stronger plants with better natural defenses against pests. Healthier plants are often less susceptible to pest attacks and diseases.

4. Does it impact soil pH levels?

Charged biochar generally stabilizes and moderates soil pH levels, making the environment conducive for most plants. However, the specific impact can vary depending on the initial pH of your soil. Periodic soil testing post-application is recommended.

5. Is charged biochar environmentally friendly?

Undoubtedly. Charged biochar contributes to carbon sequestration, locking away carbon that would otherwise return to the atmosphere. Moreover, its role in improving water retention reduces water consumption, and its ability to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers contributes to a cleaner environment We call this “Interrupting the Carbon Cycle”..

Environmental and Sustainability Benefits 

In an era where sustainable and eco-friendly practices are becoming more important, charged biochar emerges as an unsung hero in the realm of agriculture and gardening. This ancient, yet innovatively enhanced product, offers a myriad of environmental advantages.

1. Carbon Sequestration:

One of the most celebrated attributes of charged biochar is its ability to lock away carbon. Originating from organic materials, biochar undergoes pyrolysis, a process where carbon is trapped within its structure. When applied to the soil, this carbon remains sequestered, effectively reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.  This increased carbon content in your soil can then benefit your garden in terms of moisture and nutrient retention.

2. Water Conservation:

Charged biochar’s porous nature acts as a sponge, retaining moisture in the soil. This means less frequent watering, reduced runoff, and an overall decrease in water usage. For areas prone to drought or facing water restrictions, this quality is invaluable.

3. Reduction in Chemical Inputs:

Charged biochar's nutrient-rich profile can significantly reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, and, should you choose to use synthetic fertilizers, it can help capture those inputs so they do not leach into the soil further and remain available for plants.  Both of these result in fewer chemicals entering the soil meaning fewer harmful runoffs into waterways, protecting aquatic life and maintaining the purity of our water sources.

4. Soil Erosion Prevention:

Healthy soil is less prone to erosion. By improving soil structure and promoting the growth of beneficial microbes, charged biochar aids in binding soil particles together. This makes the land more resilient to wind and water erosion, preserving valuable topsoil and preventing land degradation.

5. Biodiversity Enhancement:

A soil rich in charged biochar becomes a thriving ecosystem. The increased microbial activity not only benefits plants but also supports a variety of life forms, from earthworms to beneficial insects, fostering a biodiverse and balanced environment.

The incorporation of charged biochar into agricultural practices is not just a nod to improved plant health, but a step forward in creating a more sustainable and resilient garden

Purchase and Shipping Information 

You can purchase your charged biochar using the shopping cart feature on this site.  

We have charged biochar available in 2 sizes: 5 quart and 1 cubic foot boxes.  If larger sizes are desired, please let us know and we’ll be happy to work with you.

If you’re unhappy with your purchase for any reason, please let us know within 30 days of purchase and we will work with you to make it right.  

You can reach us at the phone number or email address posted on the website.